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Month: May 2024

414: Trump’s VP pick, the 2020 election, and voter ID

The boys drink and review Perni Haze IPA from Wicked Weed Brewing, then discuss Trump’s options for a running mate.

Trump is faced with a unique challenge because he can only serve one more term, so whoever he picks is likely to be the presidential nominee for 2028, and that person could potentially serve for eight years.

Christi Noem – P&C think she’s probably torpedoed her chances by writing in her memoir about shooting her dog.

Elise Stephanik – An unknown quantity to P&C. Not willing to recommend.

Vivek Ramaswammy – He was an early favorite of P&C, but his performance in the debates moved him down the list. He would make a great cabinet official.

Kari Lake – Seems to have gone off the edge a bit.

Tulsi Gabbard – P&C like her, but the fact that she’s been a Democrat for so long makes her too much of a long shot.

Marjory Taylor Green – She’s good as a firebrand / bomb thrower, and that role suits her, but she has no place in the White House.

Greg Abbott – Does he even want this job? Crowhill doesn’t trust him based on past behavior. He seems to be a johnny-come-lately on many conservative issues.

Sarah Huckabee Sander – She would work well with Trump, and P&C are impressed with her. But Crowhill is concerned she

Tucker Carlson – Why is he even on this list? Why would he be considered? Recently he’s started to show his wacky side. But he would make a good press secretary.

Tim Scott – He’s okay, but not exciting. No thrill here.

JD Vance – Let’s let him rock and roll in Ohio. He doesn’t help the ticket much.

Nikki Haley – She’s out. She’s burned her bridges with Trump and

Ron DeSantis – DeSantis is the top choice for P&C. But can the DeSantis – Trump feud heal? Probably.

Crowhill’s picks.

#1 – DeSantis
#2 – Tim Scott

After they finish with the VP picks, Pigweed has a burden he needs to take off his shoulder about the legitimacy of the 2020 election.

The numbers don’t seem to add up. Biden’s “rallies” were pathetic. There was no excitement. He was the most uninspiring, lame presidential candidate of P&C’s lives. He was worse than the little Dukey. Still, he managed to get more votes than any president ever.

413: An intro to beer styles

The boys drink and review Sunshine Pilsner and Springtime Lager (both by Troeggs) while they discuss beer styles.

There are only two main categories of beer: lagers and ales. They are distinguished by the type of yeast used (not by color or strength). Lagers use a bottom-fermenting yeast that ferment at lower temperatures while ales use a top-fermenting yeast that ferment at slightly higher temperatures.

Lagers tend to be more crisp in flavor while ales tend to have more complex flavors.

Generally speaking we think of light-colored beers when we think of lagers, but there are dark lagers like a bock or a schwartz beer, and there are dark-ish lagers like Octoberfest or Dunkel. Lagers take longer to ferment.

Ales tend to be quick-fermenting beers that can be ready to drink in a week or two. Historically, ales were served at cellar temperature. (Warm by U.S. standards.)

Most modern craft beers are ales.

Some of the contrasts that make up the various beer styles are …
* Ale vs. lager
* Dark vs. light
* Malty (sweet) vs. dry
* Hoppy vs. mild
* Strong vs. weak

Ales were the more traditional beers in America, but when the Germans came over with their clean, crisp lagers, they won over the American palate, and American-style lagers became the standard.

412: The Chinese Threat

The boys drink and review Tsingtao beer, then discuss the threat posed by modern China.

China is deliberately undermining America. They don’t even hide it. And we don’t seem to do anything about it.

There are many ways to defeat an enemy. According to Sun Tzu, the wisest approach is to defeat them without fighting them.

How are they doing this?

  • They sow division
  • They discourage people from joining the military
  • They poison us with TikTok
  • They get our youth addicted to fentanyl
  • They’re encouraging people to hate the U.S. government
  • They encourage campus radicals
  • They encourage everything that undermines the family

China is also challenging us overseas with their belt and road initiative.

They steal our technology, and require U.S. businesses who deal in China to share technology.

The PRC has publicly declared that they consider every aspect of our infrastructure as fair game.

And what do we do? We let millions of people spill over our border.

411: Pearl Davis

P&C drink and review a Wee Heavy from Belhaven brewery, then discuss Pearl Davis and her opinions on men’s rights.

The boys first heard about Pearl when The Daily Wire’s Andrew Klavan and Michael Knowles interviewed her. She’s an anti-feminist but also somewhat anti-traditionalist.

Pearl tries to focus on reality – the facts on the ground – rather than coming from a particular ideological viewpoint.

From Pearl’s perspective, marriage is a raw deal for men. Here are some quotes from Pearl, to give you a feel for her point of view.

“Women can’t be criticized on the internet”

If a man says a woman isn’t wife material, is he allowed to have that opinion?

Traditional conservatives believe in holding men accountable. A man can’t be broke. He has to take care of his family. He has to stay in shape. When women do something wrong, it’s always because they were lied to. It’s always because of feminism.

Why is it that when women do something wrong it’s always somebody else’s fault?

“Women like to be objectified”

Women only cry about objectification when they can’t get what they want out of being objectified

“In all of history there have always been concubines. They have a place.”

“When women lead, societies and relationships go to Hell.”

“Why can’t we have a conversation about women without ‘but men.’”

“Women should submit to their husbands in all things.” (from the Bible)

“I prefer prostitutes to most tradcon women. At least the prostitutes are honest.”

“Don’t be a prostitute and then find God at 29.”

“Many women screw up their own lives and then make it everyone else’s problem.”

“I’m not the enemy. The real enemy is these simps and these old, bitter, single women with nothing better to do.”

“Old, bitter women lie to younger women because they don’t want to be alone in their misery.”

“Women are fatter than ever. They’re sluttier than ever. More mental disorders. More tattoos. More drinking.”

410: Is Christian Nationalism a threat?

P&C drink and review Experimental Black IPA from Bell’s, then discuss Christian nationalism.

First, what the heck is Christian nationalism? Pigweed started with three theories.

A: An invention of the left to denigrate patriotic Christians.
B: It’s a real movement that is way overdue if we’re going to save this great nation.
C: It’s a real movement that is a threat to religious liberty and will transform America into a theocracy.

Were Christian nationalists behind Jan. 6, and do they want to create something like The Handmaid’s Tale? That’s what the left wants us to believe.

The opposite is the case. The left is trying to eliminate the influence of Christianity. The Amy Coney Barrett nomination process showed that clearly. We’ve come to the point that being a sincere believer might disqualify you from public office.

Four separate Supreme Court cases – that have never been overturned – say that the United States is a Christian nation.

What does that mean? Is it contrary to pluralism? Does it mean that we round up unbelievers and make them second-class citizens?

Quite the opposite. It’s because we’re a Christian nation that we give rights and respect to other people.

The fact is that all law is based on some system of morality. The only question is what morality you are going to use.